domingo, 2 de dezembro de 2007


Arctic Monkeys - Brianstorm

Top marks for not trying
So I'd like you to bless us with your effortlessness
We'd wait for and so trained and comforted

And I wonder
Are you putting us under
'Cos we can't take our eyes off his t-shirt
And ties combination

Well see ya later Innovator!

Some want to kiss some want to kick you
There's not a net you couldn't slip through
Or at least that's the impression I get
'Cos you're smooth and you're wet
And she's not aware yet, but she's yours

She'll be sayin' "Use me"
Show me the Jacuzzi
I imagine that it's there on a plate
you're our rendevouz rate
Means you'll never be frightnened
To make em wait for a while
I doubt it's your style
Not to get what you set
Out to acquire
The eyes are on fire
You are the un-forcasted storm

Calm, Collected and Commanding
(Top marks for not trying)
You hit the other story standing
With your ambitions and jokes
I bet there's hundreds of blokes
That have wept 'cos you've stolen their...

Are you putting us under
'Cos we can't take our eyes of his t-shirt
and ties combination

Well see ya later

6 comentários:

Teté disse...

Desta vez consegui ver...

O clip está engraçado, mas a música não é muito o meu género.

kanjas disse...

Para a próxima semana vou tentar por uma música que agrade a toda a gente.

Esta semana faltaram-me ideias.

Ana disse...

Brianstorm?? é para gozar com brainstorm?

kanjas disse...

isso vais ter de perguntar aos gajos dos arctic monkeys

Ana disse...

Macacos Árticos??? ele há com cada um.....

kanjas disse...

Nome à parte a banda até é bastante razoavel. É do melhor que se vai ouvindo por aí nos ultimos tempos... para quem gosta, claro.